Thursday 12 January 2012

Do you follow a desktop diet?

It’s a busy world today, leaving hardly anytime for you to sit back and prepare for yourself a healthy diet. You bank on unhealthy snacks, ready-to-eat processed food and other misfit meals, leading to diseases which you could have stayed away from. So here are some suggestions/tips to make sure that your intake of food doesn’t go awry at your work place.

-          First and foremost, stop turning your locker into a mini-pantry. Let the files replace the small dabbas with chips and biscuits.

-          Keep a count on the number of packets you eat in a day, no matter whether or not you share it with your friends. Still, keep the same count, maybe 2.

-          Don’t think every hint of your stomach to be a hunger call. An uneasy hunger-like feeling also means that you need to take some rest from the work. So don’t just place your next order
-          The number of Tea & Coffee cups is the most dangerous requests you make to your office boy. Be strict to yourself and try lowering the number the cups you have. You can also opt to have Masala tea or Lemon tea for different taste along with a healthy body.  

-          Though constant munching keeps your energy levels high, it also leads to unnecessary storage of fat in your body increasing cholesterol level. Mind them.

-          Avoid heavy night meals; it’s the most harmful thing to do as you have no time left to digest it before you go to sleep.

-          No time to make or choose healthy food is no excuse. Take out your time, as it’s why you are living for…to eat healthy and be happy!

So, keep an eye on your Desktop Diet from today!

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