Monday 16 January 2012

5 Things to learn from a Kite!


CHARACTERISTIC – A Kite gives everyone the opportunity to make it fly high - no matter whether you are a novice or a perfect kite flyer.
LEARNING – Whether you are a self-sufficient person with ample abilities or one who is struggling to learn, life throws at you opportunities and you should make the most out of it.


CHARACTERISTIC – A Kite aims to fly higher and higher.
LEARNING – One should dream high and work hard to reach out to them. A self-content attitude in life takes you nowhere as you are happy with the way life is leading you… So, always keep your desires higher and higher.


CHARACTERISTIC – A Kite follows the wind and sways along with it to fly higher and better.
LEARNING – Don’t be always opposed to the ideas around you. Many of them may help you grow better and reach a greater point than being alone and trying to do everything by yourself. Take support of those more efficient than you and increase your chances of becoming successful in achieving your aims.


CHARACTERISTIC – A Kite allows someone to have/control its one end (the string) and keeps the other end open ended to take leaps in the sky
LEARNING – Always be rooted to your traditions and values with which you grew. It helps you strengthen your belief in yourself and assists you in taking your own path in a more efficient manner.


CHARACTERISTIC – It fills the sky with varied hues and colors making it a pleasant sight for others to watch and inspiring minds who look upon it.
LEARNING – Be an inspiration to others by bringing happiness and color to their lives. Once you have reached a height in your career, try adding motivation to other’s dreams and encourage them to achieve their ambitions in a similar manner.

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