Friday 20 January 2012

Are you an introvert?

Often you are not sure of your own personality as it hardly matters to you or anyone. But if given a second thought, understanding your habits and personality can make a great difference by helping you evolve into a better person. Classes, seminars, conferences, workshops and public platforms have become a common place to discuss about such topics. But, it's rare that we peep within and sit back to analyze our own behavior at various situations.  

Being an introvert or an extrovert, or at least understanding which category you fall into, can help you in preparing yourself for a better reaction next time, for any given situation. Let's first know in definition about both the groups: most appropriate definition according to a website claims that:

"Extroverts tend to be those who are more energized when around other people. They are the ones who will reach for the cell phone when alone for more than a minute, the ones who love to go out every weekend, the ones who love to chit chat, mingle, and socialize.

Introverts tend to be those who are more energized when alone with themselves. They are the ones who have to be dragged to parties, who are the first ones ready to leave after a short period of time, and who generally enjoy solitary activities such as reading, writing, and daydreaming."

There are some apparent advantages and disadvantages of being in any of the above category, which we are leaving it up to you to discuss and analyse. Though we will be glad to know which column you fall into!

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