Monday 16 April 2012

Forgotten values and invaluable inspiration…

Watching the kids play in the park has become a rare sight these days. Either we all too occupied at work to step out for a stroll in the evening or the children prefer their xbox’s and games on the internet these days.

It was refreshing to hear their voices of giggles, call outs and the birds roosting. Little acts of jumping, running, climbing, sliding or taking turns for a swing made them happy. They took their turns, rejoiced every act, if a Frisbee didn’t glide the right way, they tried again. If a ball did not go to far, they gave another shot. They didn’t mind trying again and kept doing things till they either got it right or were tired. When they saw others do it, they tried grabbing the right move and adapt the style. Wow! And that’s the spirit one needs to have. This is the way one learns almost everything.  They’d not give up. If something did not work today, they’d try it again the next day, and the next, and the next, till they get it. And once they do, they’d cheer themselves up and laugh out loud in joy and celebrate.

Truly, child is the father of man. Some day when you are tired and clueless, go sit in a park and watch these little champs play. We too were like them but as we grow up, our fears of acceptance in the society, peer pressure and cynical ambitions wear out some amazing traits that we once had. Go out and seek some forgotten values and invaluable inspiration from the little ones.

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