Tuesday 21 February 2012

You hold the key to your destiny…

We all need love and affection. A small compliment or acknowledgment, gives our moral a boost. We feel worthy and happy. Also there are times when appreciation from others makes us aware of our quality or strength.

But, why do we always depend on others and wait for positivity from outside. Why do we expect from them? Why do we rest our happiness to embrace from outside? Why do we rely on others to help us know, who we are? Why do we focus on their opinion when we have our own to cater to? Why we neglect our decisions, but trust in what others say?

When you put all your faith on others and shift to them for all your decisions, you begin to tamper your confidence. It is good to take opinion but always have your say as the final one. Never play down on your capabilities. Take time to listen to self. Accept compliments humbly and appreciate others point of view, but remember you hold the key to your destiny. Pave your path with self-confidence and responsibility.

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