Sunday 5 February 2012

The never-ending 'weekend want'...

Pushing oneself out from the bed every morning of a weekday, we rest our hopes on the day to end. So, we could catch up with our sleep at night, be back with our beloved bed and darling quilt again.

Tussling with daily meetings, project plans, deadlines and deliveries, we keep a mental note of our wishes for the weekend to come.  All days begin with a countdown, and inspiration for Monday begins with ‘just 5 more days’ to a hard earned weekend. Come Wednesday and we have a vague list of plans already in place. Friday’s are happy days, and celebrations begin post lunch itself. Though end moment input from clientele makes you stretch, but then who minds a little more of stick when the carrot is right in front.

And finally arrives the weekend, which you realize is action-packed with your weeklong list of procrastinations.  Shopping, sorting, cleaning, family matters, get together and what not… So you begin with another set of self imposed deadlines. Prioritizing and economizing your time, you plan things back to back. Making all ends meet, you put your best foot forward to make all happy around you. You wake up decently early to catch up with parents and a little exercise, followed by breakfast and a round of news discussion. Later in the day you have payments to be made, shopping to be done and a friend’s party, you love every bit of active participation. Stuck in the traffic with an eye on the watch, you sing along the number playing on the radio, but in the back of your mind, you still wait for those lazy moments to relax. Sunrays from your car window make you warm and drowsy, when suddenly a loud honk brings you back to consciousness, and you carry on…

 Whew! Finally done with everything you return to your beloved bed and darling quilt, realizing that your lovely weekend slipped by smoothly. Wishing for another weekend, you drift into your dreamless, sound slumber. Only to wake up on Monday morning whining to have your weekend back…

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ah....so true.....as if this is my every day tale....


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