Thursday 2 February 2012

Step out for a breather…

It’s been long that you’ve been sticking around that machine now! Staring…at the glaring screen. Hopping from one site to another, checking mails, watching videos, reading articles and responding to chats.

Your back is stiff, your bum is uneasy. A wave of restlessness in your body is making it tough for you to focus.

Fine!!! Then, jump off your seat and step out for a breather…

Breather Benefits

  •  It nips the boredom in the bud.
  • So what if you are not an astronaut, you still get your space.
  • Of course you can walk and talk… so make one or two personal and other important calls.
  • Oxygen and blood get to ‘move-it, move-it.
  • It’s your chance to step out from that lost-zone to the real world. So, you can look at the clock and calculate the time-left to hit the road-that-leads-you-home. Yipiiiee!
  • It makes you realize that you are human and a break is your battery recharge time.
  • Allows you to blink your eyes behind those pair of glasses… and stop being hypnotized.
  • Check out your colleagues and see what others are up to. Who is wearing what? How they look? It gives you a good chance to bother them.

A cup of coffee, a small stroll out-of-office, a little chit-chat with your friends or colleagues, a lazy hangout post-lunch, or you could simply get up from your seat and flex your muscles.  Whatever works for you, do it. But, do something that makes you feel more alive.  And this little breather will give you back your focus and propel your productivity.

Happy Working!

1 comment:

  1. everyone for once will feel like getting up and following the instructions in the post right away....but i guess, only a handful can dare to attempt between such strict deadlines to meet...:)


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