Wednesday 22 February 2012

Weave a wonderful life...

After the '26/11' attack in Mumbai, one of the Taj Hotel Assistant was asked about his thoughts that ran in his head when he found himself surrounded with terrorists firing randomly. Many may expect him to talk about fear, terror, remembering god, family, friends, etc. All he said was, "I suddenly recalled those undone things in my life - learning to play guitar, globe-trotting and exploring newer locations. I felt how I have wasted my life till now by just thinking of earning bucks, as now I know that I won't be alive anymore to do any of those things which could have made my life wonderful for me."

Fortunately, the person in talk survived and is now taking his guitar lessons. Life gave him a second chance and he wants to make the most out of it. Not everyone gets the opportunity to play the 'second innings'. Remember, there is a tomorrow for sure, but 'may be' not. Let your life be thankful to you for weaving it with beautiful moments. This time, do what you love... on a serious note.  

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