Saturday, 10 December 2011

Sip the sweet life...

Complaints are irresistible. We simply love complaining about this and that. But rarely do we take out the time to admire, adore or appreciate a thing, deed or gesture. We miss out the small things and try looking at the bigger pleasures which never come to us, practically. Living in dream or aspiring for more is not at all a sin. But wasting the precious moments in desiring for unreachable dreams is actually a waste of what you have been gifted with.

There are people who love dreaming and boasting of distant aspirations caressed by them. Whenever in a group, these people never miss out on bragging about their desire for a water bed, a dream bungalow and a limousine car or even for an extravagant holiday in Switzerland. They complaint and grumble about what they own and what matters to them in reality. Constantly being unhappy about your life and your little treasures makes way for an unhealthy future for yourself. For, desiring for BIG is good but demeaning the LITTLE is bad.

A cup of tea by side of your dearest friend, a get-together with your relatives, a scooter that let you pass trough every small lane leading to your loved one’s house or a home with every corner reflecting togetherness  - are the real treasures of life.

Enjoy the little things in life… for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things! 

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