Thursday, 22 December 2011

Give yourself a Raise!

No, the topic is not about how one should strive to get a raise at work, nor will this post chart out 10 ways to get a promotion. Rather, today we will talk about how to gift ourselves a self-acclaimed raise in life. If you are a working person, you can choose to extend your capabilities at work and plan to try out newer things. May be you are a financial advisor, but have you tried on taking guitar classes or for that matter, attending a creative workshop?

We often love sticking to our lifestyle, without wanting to give ourselves a raise. We neither take interest in working with a more competent attitude, nor do we approve of any change in our everyday living. Gradually, we succumb to the routine which we started with, never realizing the dullness that has crept in to our lives.

Deciding to take music classes, planning for yoga early in the morning or simply choosing to improve on self-behavior are some simplistic ways to give yourself a raise.

So, from today, plan something different, experience something new, explore new horizons, adhere to new norms and thus choose for yourself a vibrant life. Moreover it’s New Year time. So why not promise yourself happy and full-of-life days ahead as a resolution?

Do you agree?

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