Monday, 10 September 2012

A day without your phone!

Abrupt. Blank. Lost. Confused. Haphazard. Haywire. Stuck. Stranded. Sad. Helpless.

Such is the dependency on phones or largely any gadgets today. All of the above and many such strong sentiments hit you, on a single day that you spend without your phone. Whether you’ve left it at home, work, lost it or it went kaput all of a sudden. Information, messages and yes numbers, you have none. You are so perplexed without it that it becomes tough for you to start, end or continue with anything that you planned for the day. Suddenly you miss it so much and give your loss a shriek of regret on how could you, because those important numbers that you needed and passwords that you stored in a message were in your phone only. Aah! What a terrible day without you O phone…

Not just any one of us but most of us have this fear of losing our phones and finding it tough to co-op up with life. And there are some who are so addicted to every little beep of their phone, that they itch to respond by picking it up every now and then. Not a minute can they spend without the phone. And that’s what makes them or all of us NOMOPHOBIACS: people who have the “no-mobile-phone-phobia”. So, keep a check on your phone-addictive habits and most importantly always have a record of your important information, so that you don’t spend your day regretting or succumbing to the loss of your phone.

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