Friday 20 July 2012

Manage your work smartly; attempt what excites you first.

Making a task list everyday is a great tool of managing time, work and your energy. By having it in front of you, know exactly what is to be done, can calculate an estimate time per task, and can keep some buffer time for your breaks and distractions. A task list helps you set target for the day.

However, there are those for whom a task list does not work that well. They begin fretting that how on earth can so much be done during a day. Or they get so anxious that to avoid more the work of stress or more so the stress of looking at the list, knowing or unknowingly begin to whiling away more work hours in things that can put them at ease. Which makes it all the more tough for them to focus.

If you found yourself nodding at any of the above, then you must address this problem right away. Instead of fretting and avoiding, start taking your tasks one at a time. Not everybody is great at multitasking. So once you have your to do list, just pick one task that is high on priority or you feel you can manage easily. It’s exactly like attempting your exams; you choose the section that you know you are best at. This has 2 good reasons, one you end up attempting something you are good at and two once you are in a groove your confidence goes up a few notches, pumping up your capabilities to take up things that otherwise you felt were hard to attempt.

So buck up, focus, choose and attempt. Just believe in yourself that you can do it.

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