Thursday, 3 May 2012

The choice is yours…

Own up your decisions. Life is yours and so are the choices. Be yourself and do your best. Whatever the outcome, accept and honour it. Stay happy with whatever you are blessed with, because happiness too is a choice.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Break free of your inhibitions!

No one can do it for you, only you can help yourself. Challenge your limits and let go, your inhibitions. Stretch and take a few extra steps to discover yourself. There’s much to explore within you, but only if you give it a try. Each time your fears come in way of what you really want to do, face them and get to know what’s keeping you away. Evaluate whether is it worth it? Is it self imposed or something imposed by the society. If you can reason out why you shouldn’t do something honestly, stop. But mostly you’ll come across hollow inhibitions…
And when you do, break free!
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